I Remember You

I remember you, Dad,

every time I walk down the hall and hear my ankles and knees

every time my children tease me about my paunch,

every time I clear my throat against an endlessly rising tide of

I remember you as I stand drinking coffee in the kitchen early in
the morning by myself,

and every time I go for a run.

I tread in your footsteps when I choose to be frugal,

when I am steadfast in devotion to my wife and children,

when I put my head down and work hard at my job each day,

without any expectation for recognition, it is in your memory.

You were always there for all of us, always eager to fix
something, always there on time ready to bring us home.

I remember you, Dad, every day.

Let my life be a reflection of your life: your humility, your
fortitude, and your love.

With Love,
Your Son

Author: manderson

I live in NYC.

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